Organized the Seder of the night: Frida Kalpholz, Michal Govrin, Doron Livne, Orna Millo
Set the table: Frida Klepfholz
Illuminated the Seder: Alan Bachinsky
Organized the music: Steven Hornstein
Participants: Rabbi Yisrael Wollnerter, Israel Eldad, Adi Ophir, Yehuda Liebes, Haim Sanir, Serge Ruzer, Henry Abramovitch, Aharon Appelfeld, Yossel Birstein, Leah Snir, Michal Govrin, Yonadav Kaploun, Tova Berlinski, Avishay Ayal, Orna Millo, Doron Livne, Frida Klepfholz, Alan Bachinsky, Gad Ullman, Ayala Serfaty, Lou Gelehrter, David Cassuto, Steven Hornstein, Esti Kenan, Sergio Molcho, Mario Cotellier, Sharona Karpel, The 10 fingers group
To watch the full video of “The Seder of this Night”

Perush ’90 – A Proposition for a Creative, Experimental Wrkshop: